St. Patrick's Church was Estd in July 1841

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Industrial Training Institute

The Industrial Training Institute was started in the year 1987. The person who took keen interest in starting the Institute was the late Mr. Cyril D'Souza. In the beginning the purpose of starting this Institute was to cater to the needs of the drop out students from the High School, in particular those of St. Patrick's Orphanage. Later, it was decided to get departmental recognition.The department, however, required a minimum qualification of SSLC passed. Accordingly we got the recognition of Government of Karnataka (see their letter No. STS / AEL/ CP-202 / 85-86 dt 9.6.1987). ITI is also affiliated to the National Council of Educational Training (NCVT) New Delhi, (see their letter No. DET6 (8)33/88-TC date 30.1.1989). Two trades are being taught to the students, viz. General Electronics, and Radio / T.V. The total capacity of students at the initial stage was 42, more than 50% of them are Christians. Mr. William Phillips, engineer by profession is the present Principal of our ITC.